Monday, August 28, 2017

Miniature Mondays - Gnome Scavenger

Miniature Mondays - Gnome Scavenger

Minuscule miners of muck and mire.

You can grab your fig here!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Miniature Mondays - Nol, Master Scavenger, and his Stone Golem

Miniature Mondays - Nol, Master Scavenger, and his Stone Golem

Its amazing the things that wash up on the shore. Waste not, want not.

You can grab your fig here!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Miniature Mondays - Spider Wizard

Miniature Mondays - Spider Wizard

Weaving webs of wizardry, wonder, and woe.

You can grab your fig here!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Miniature Mondays - Traveling Halfling Merchant

Miniature Mondays - Traveling Halfling Merchant

Forget your rope, rations, ten foot pole? No problem this pint size proprietor has your back.

You can grab your fig here!