Monday, June 29, 2015

Miniature Mondays - J is for Jackalwere

J is for Jackalwere

Not a Lycanthrope
Furry demon bound bandits
Avoid eye contact

You can grab your fig here!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Miniature Mondays - I is for Ithallid

I is for Ithallid

See the little Ithallid with its psionic blast
If you have thoughts of fighting it
they will be your last

You can grab your fig here!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Miniature Mondays - H is for Hag

Miniature Mondays - H is for Hag

There was an old lady that lived in a bog.
Her garden was a swamp, her house was a log.

One day an adventurer full of gumption and spirit,
declared "I will enter the swamp, I do not fear it."

So, in he went through the stench and fog,
and when he emerged he had the face of a dog.

The moral of this tale of woe,
a hag is indeed a serious foe.

You can grab your fig here!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Miniature Mondays - G is for Gnoll

Miniature Mondays - G is for Gnoll

Poor hyena man.
Your fur is oh so matted
Don't eat my face

You can grab your fig here!